오래전 중학교 동창이 팥을 건네주는 꿈 해몽

Now that I’m thinking about it, I’ve got the puzzle pieces right for a dream come true. As anyone who has read this has probably guessed, my middle school classmate in his dream has become the one who introduced me to health supplements. And the handful of red beans he gave me becomes health supplements. Just as the friend in my dream introduced me to me without compensation, this supplement was also a gift. In my dream, it came in the form of something inside a grain of red beans, which actually looks like a pill, on the outside, is a capsule with a powder inside. Actually, it’s not that much. I’ll put it on my palm (60 tablets).

How did you dream like this… Hahaha.DEAR ABBY: There are ” fraternity,” ” fight,” ” a handful of red bean grains,” and they appear to have little probability or relevance to each other. This will hardly make your dream come true. DEAR DRIVING: I think we should dig a little deeper. To that end, I think we should dig a little deeper into it, the core of this dream. In fact, this dream friend is, personally, a friend I am grateful for.So what does it mean to reconcile with him after arguing with him for a long time? It represents a chronic, very long-standing problem or problem. My indigestion is very, very old. In that situation, the consumption of this supplement has revealed through a dream of reconciling with an old classmate and receiving a handful of red beans.Someone who recommended something helpful to me. And a handful of red beans that you handed me after a fight. When I think of it all this way, it suddenly reminds me of something I recently received. Sometimes someone brings me something (!). The other day, I was given nutritional supplements or supplements, saying they were good for digestion. First, I took one pill on the spot, and then I took it out once every time for about 10 days.Thank you so much.We have never been very close, and we were in the same class for only about two months at the most. I happened to participate in a science education program twice when I was in school, and I was able to participate thanks to this friend’s recommendation. I have only known each other for a short time, so I sometimes wonder what aspect of me I saw and recommended.I had a dream yesterday, and this is the dream. While I was looking around while signing an insurance contract for my acquaintance’s car (suddenly in insurance business?), I couldn’t see my acquaintance’s car, so I asked someone all about it, and the other person was a “middle school classmate.” After arguing with him for a long time over whether he was responsible or not, I thought I would not be able to conclude anything at all, so I changed my mind and decided to apologize first. Then, the classmate suddenly gave me a handful of red beans, and asked me to eat this and buy time while studying because I’ve been working hard. I woke up from the dream thinking it was strange to see that there was a grain of red beans inside, which looked like a pill, but it was powder or liquid.60 tablets. That’s half a cup of coffee.In general, a friend I met a long time ago

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